Regenerative Therapy for Autism

Autism is a disorder of neural development characterised by impaired social interactions, communication, repetitive behaviour, mood alterations, metabolic and digestive issues. Also there is autism spectrum disorder who describes a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders.

Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of conditions that cause difficulties with social skills, learning, communication and language. Children or adults affected  exhibit sensory hypersensitivity as well as signs of repetitive behaviour. Some individuals also experience constipation and/or chronic diarrhoea.

These symptoms can become apparent typically in the
first two years of childhood and affect information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells connect and organise. Two common consistent findings associated in children with this disorder are diminished oxygenation in specific areas of the brain and a chronic immunologically mediated inflammatory condition in the gut.

The cause of autism has been the subject of many investigations in recent years but has not yet been established by the scientific community.
More and more international studies, however, show a correlation between ASD and impaired neurological function, defective immune system and unbalanced intestinal flora. Conventional methods of treatments for Autism fall under educational interventions and medical management. Stem cell therapy has shown to be an effective approach to treating autism which is based on the unique ability of stem cells to influence metabolism, immune system and restore damaged cells and tissues. Treatment positively affects all body organs and systems, including the brain.


How Is Autism Treated?

Treatments fall into two major categories: educational interventions and medical management. More than half of the children diagnosed with Autism are prescribed psychoactive drugs or anticonvulsants. They respond typically to medication which can have adverse side effects, and until today there is no known medical treatment which relieves the core symptoms of Autism. Stem cell therapy is an effective approach to treating autism which is based on the unique ability of stem cells to influence metabolism, immune system and restore damaged cells and tissues.

Treatment positively affects all body organs and systems, including the main part – the brain. When autism is diagnosed, areas of brain regulating memory, concentration, attention and speech are damaged. Stem cell treatment improves blood and oxygen flow to the brain (improved perfusion), replaces damaged neurons and stimulates formation of new arteries.

After some time, stem cells acquire properties of cells surrounding them and multiply into these cells, which results in white and grey matter restoration and consequently, in subsidence of neurologic symptoms and improved intellectual capacity. It has been proven that mesenchymal stem cells improve immune system and eliminate inflammation.


What is different about our Treatments?

Since 2014, we have been developing and optimising our stem cell treatment protocols with the concept that only a very comprehensive solution can allow our patients to truly benefit from stem cell treatment. We believe that stimulation through various therapies is necessary to enhance stem cell regenerative response, therefore our protocols include daily therapies to support the effectiveness of stem cell treatment. We have state of the art equipment to deliver high concentrated stem cell solution derived from the patient’s own body.

Our Doctors have been instrumental in developing and enhancing current available stem cell therapies. We embrace research and have our research team to enhance techniques for harvesting and processing stem cells in order to achieve the maximum efficacy for the treatment of Autism. We audit and evaluate our data and our team of specialists use this data to continuously improve overall processes and procedures to deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients.

We have treated over 500 children for Autism Spectrum Disorders and we have had no complication to date.


What improvements can you expect from our treatment?

The goal of our stem cell treatment for Autism is to help restore neurological functions and stabilise the immune system. Up to 80% of repair is seen in our patients. Various kinds of improvement are possible after our stem cell treatment for Autism and our past patients have experienced the following:

    • Improved social interactions
    • Better communication
    • Improved speech and writing skills
    • Improved learning ability
    • Improved mental development
    • Improved attention and concentration
    • Increased expression of feelings
    • Improved intestinal function
    • Stabilised muscle tone
    • Tolerance to different foods
    • Better fine and gross motor coordination
    • Decreased repetitive behaviour
    • Decreased hyperactivity and Anger control
    • Decreased compulsive and self-harm behaviour

It is important to remember that as for any medical treatment, improvements cannot be guaranteed. It varies from person to person. Find out more about our services and how the possibility we can treat or improve any particular symptoms.

Supportive Therapy

Over the years many connections have been made between the gut and the brain. Autism, though considered a neurological condition, has been found to linked to pathology in the digestive tract. Most children with autism are found to also have problems with digestion, and fewer types of bacteria in their guts than other children. Furthermore, studies suggest that when this gut diversity is corrected, not only will digestion problems subside, but neurological symptoms associate

Stem Cell Therapy in Autism – Journal of Translational Medicine


Follow-up treatments?

Proper follow-up is an essential part of stem cell therapy for Autism. Our primary goal is to ensure that your child is progressing safely with us over a 12 month follow up period. Regular follow-up also enables us to evaluate efficacy and improve our Autism treatment protocols based on observed outcomes. Therefore, our medical staff will be contacting you after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year to monitor your child’s progress including visits to our clinic. We also are involved with other rehabilitation professionals to facilitate and overall holistic approach.


All procedures are carried out by Trained & Qualified Doctors

Since 2014, our Doctors have been researching and testing comprehensive stem cell therapies for Autism programs for patients with autistic spectrum disorders which pass beyond the limitations of conventional therapies.


Since 2014, we have been developing and optimising our stem cell treatment protocols with the concept that only a very comprehensive solution can allow our patients to truly benefit from stem cell treatment. We believe that stimulation through various therapies is necessary to enhance stem cell regenerative response, therefore our protocols include daily therapies to support the effectiveness of stem cell treatment. We have state of the art equipment to deliver high concentrated stem cell solution derived from the patient’s own body.

Our Doctors have been instrumental in developing and enhancing current available stem cell therapies. We embrace research and have our research team to enhance techniques for harvesting and processing stem cells in order to achieve the maximum efficacy for the treatment of Autism. We audit and evaluate our data and our team of specialists use this data to continuously improve overall processes and procedures to deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients.

We have treated over 500 children for Autism Spectrum Disorders and we have had no complication to date.

Regenerative Therapy may help patients who don’t respond to typical drug treatment, want to reduce their reliance on medication, or are looking for safe treatment alternatives. Regenerative treatments are not suitable for all conditions and all patients. The consultant will be able to advise if you are a suitable candidate.

Your first step to exploring your treatment options is scheduling a consultation with our Consultant. To do so call us on 020 8168 2000 or alternatively book a consultation online or request a call back today!