Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into some or many different cell types in the body, depending on whether they are multipotent or pluripotent. Acting as your own repair system, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells for as long as the person  is  alive. When a stem cell divides, each “daughter” cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a cartilage cell, or a skin cell.

This is a same-day procedure, the Consultant will decide which line of Regenerative Therapy is most suited to your case.

The options are,

  • Prolotherapy
  • PRP
  • Stromal vascular fraction therapy

In certain cases it may be a combination of more than one treatment protocol.For some patients however, the complete protocol is a series of injections in several treatment sessions.The choice of treatment is at the discretion of the Consultant and is based on your unique case.

Autologous cells are cells that come from the same patient.

Allogeneic cells are donated cells (cord blood, Amniotic Membrane, Placenta or Dental Pulp) and not from the patient themselves.

Because it is the future of self healing with no artificial drugs used.

No, this is a day procedure. In some cases you may need to come in again to further sessions.

Different procedures are used depending on each individual case one or more or all may be needed.

1- Mini liposuction is a minor procedure and you will be given a local anesthetic. You may only feel slight discomfort in the area once the effect of anesthesia wears off.

2- Bone marrow sampling is done using a local anesthetic. You may feel mild pain while aspirating and locally in the area for the first day or two, that will be alleviate by the usual pain killers (NOT Aspirin based).

3- Peripheral blood sample is like your usual blood test sample taking.

The patient is fully awake during the full procedure.

The recovery time can vary depending on the condition we are trying to treat.

For joint treatments in particular recovery time varies according to the joint being treated. For knees you will need to be non-weight-bearing for at least 2 weeks. After that, you can gradually increase your activity. You will probably be able to return to light work after two weeks, depending on the nature of your job. Following a hip stem cell procedure  you will need to be in bed rest for 48 hours. After that, you will need to use crutches with NO weight bearing on the treated side for up to four weeks.

You should not expect any noticeable results before 4 weeks from treatment particularly in joint interventions. The full effect of treatment will kick in action by 6 months. Variables like type of disease or condition, age, general health etc.. affect outcome and length of recovery.

Unfortunately because this is a new field no one can answer this question.

Call us to schedule a phone review of your images with one of our doctors or schedule an appointment with one of clinics around the country.

The best way to get started is to call our  clinic between 9am to 5pm. You can also start the process by completing the Application Form.

This will help us evaluate your condition and book you for review with one of our doctors.

Research has shown that older age does not adversely impact outcome.

Many mechanisms have been put forth by researchers, including long-term blocking of cells that destroy the joint, rescue of cells that fix the joint, and replacing lost native cells that maintain the joint.

This is on a case-by-case basis and although we have before, it would be at the advice of the doctor to treat more than one area. One of the many things that set Medica Institute procedures apart from all other regenerative therapies being offered is the choice of treatment protocol most suitable to the patient; to ensure the best possible outcome the doctor takes many factors into consideration, age,existing condition and any other relevant factors.